Cable Alternatives

Not every TV in this house gets cable. Or at least not the premium, box-requiring kind. But that doesn’t stop me. There are more TVs than people, and even more than there are rooms to put them in. We are people against quiet. Noise, background noise, rocks. And since the iPods and iPhones have taken over the world, actual rock isn’t really an option. Hooking them up to something that sounds decent is such a pain. I kinda miss my old boom box stereo… (moment of silence for the 1900s………..)
Of course, I still need cable to get the WiFi thing, but I’m growing fond of services like Netflix, Amazon and Hulu. All those widgets that came with my newest TVs. They let me watch all kinds of random programming whenever and wherever I want. Stuff I might have missed before TiVo came along.
Today I started watching The Riches. Made it through 3 episodes while organizing the laundry room and puttering. It’s pretty good so far. My secret crush on Eddie Izzard helps.

Oops, I guess it’s not such a secret anymore.

Good show, tho.

Laundry Room Makeover

Well, more of a cleanup, I guess.  This morning, all the reusable grocery bags that I’ve been collecting and shoving in the corner of the laundry room came crashing down.  It was snowing, there was nothing else to do right at that moment, and something came over me – it was time to clean up the laundry room.

Bag Avalanche!


I then proceeded to do something I’m not really known for – clean.  I mean really clean.  I pulled absolutely everything out of the room and started scrubbing.  Sponges and rags weren’t cutting it – I found some rather, um, nasty crevices here and there around and in the machines.  It was steamer time!  It was so much fun.  Gross, but fun.

What wasn’t so much fun was organizing all those baskets full of miscellaneous debris.  But it’s done now and I have a room that I’m ok sharing with you.  And my mother.



Hello world!

Here we go!
I’d love to learn everything there is to learn about blogging before I start, but then I’ll never start. I’ve been trying to do this for years as it is. Soooo… Let’s learn as we go.